Gary Griffin
President of Fast Interconnect
I started my career working at Texas Instruments in 1984 as a product engineer for military integrated circuit products. I later moved into commercial programmable logic new products which covered ECL technologies and Anti Fuse technology programmable FPGAs. During this time, I released over 38 products into production.
I later moved to Probe Technology, which made silicon wafer probe cards where I was the Applications Engineering Manager. I then accepted a position with a small company as the Director of Engineering where I oversaw all things related to silicon wafer equipment replacement parts design and support for the overseas probe card facilities as well as providing engineering support for our customers.
In the late 90s I was asked to become an Engineering Manager at Schlumberger Technologies LTD, SABER division and head the new Interface Solutions Group where we supported Project Engineers with all of the Automated Test Equipment and E-Beam systems interface needs in support of our equipment customers.
I left Schlumberger with the intention of starting my own engineering company and moved to New Mexico. Unfortunately, this was in 2001 and after the attacks in New York and the economic down turn that it caused, I had to look for a job. I found one at Everett Charles Technologies where I was a field applications engineer and then a little while later, I became the Engineering Team Lead for the internal engineering center in Tempe Arizona.
All of this moving around provided experience opportunities that a lot of people don’t get to have. I was in the forefront of engineering solutions for up-coming products that were not yet released to the public. I learned a lot about business management from people I still call friends. I learned to program in 9 different programing languages starting in Assembler code. I was on the “Bleeding Edge” of PCB design and fabrication technology. I created and provided seminars on High Speed Digital Design Techniques in several countries. I was regarded as the expert in ATE interface techniques by the industry. I authored a few white papers, countless application notes, was published in the TI technical journal, IBM newsletters and HP technical papers. I also hold a patent for a Ghz capable flexible interface.
I took all that was good and threw away the bad and I use all of that experience to provide the best solutions provider in the Valley Of The Sun. This company is Fast Interconnect.
We offer discount engineering services all over the US. Our customers are diverse and our abilities are exceptional.

To provide the customer with the product or service that they want in order to see their vison realized and at a price they can actually afford.

Fast Interconnect was born with the goal to provide outstanding product design through the use of the latest design tools and highly experienced design team members at a reduced cost.
We are geared to help the person or company that has an idea but does not have the ability to move forward either through a lack of experience, funds or ability to do the design on their own.